Emergence of the Holy Trinity

What is the Holy Trinity?
As I was growing up, I was indoctrinated into the Lutheran faith with the teachings of the holy trinity as the father, son and holy ghost. At least once a week we recited the Apostle’s Creed:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ,
His only Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

For many years I lived by the words, “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.”

Although Jesus was conceived of Mary, she then bowed out of the picture. There was no further reference to her except at Christmas, when she bowed her head over the manger that held the precious Son. Therefore it was natural for me to believe it is the masculine that creates and controls life.

Jesus then suffered and descended into hell before he was able to ascend, where he now sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty judging both the living and the dead. Thus working hard and suffering to be a good human was the name of the game if one wanted to escape hell for everlasting life.

For nearly fifty years I approached life from this masculine orientation of striving, working hard, and pushing through things, all motivated by achievement, success, and the need to be a good human being. My desire to be of service and to live my life’s purpose has been the driving force to be loved and earn my way into heaven.

I never questioned any of this. Until the Black Madonna came into my life and offered a new and different perspective as the Divine Mother, not just the virgin Mary who birthed Jesus, but the Mother who births of all Creation, rather than the Almighty Father maker of heaven and earth.

For years I have utilized a strong masculine expression in order to feel safe in my outer life. When in fact, my inner life, my journaling, and my relationship with my soul have always offered the most wise guidance.

And then the tides changed, luring me to explore the feminine aspects I have been disconnected from to initiate the sacred dance between my inner feminine and masculine to discover how it out-pictures into my world. The more I explored my feminine aspects, the more I realized the inclusivity of the feminine. As a mother, she loves, not just her children, but all life. She doesn’t judge, she has no need to protect. She simply loves all of life. She is the loving Maiden, the nurturing Mother and the wise Crone.

Just as the masculine is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the feminine is the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. With this sacred dance between the masculine and feminine I discovered yet another Holy Trinity . . . the trinity of the I AM, Soul, and the human.

I AM, Soul, Human. . . Father, Son and Holy Ghost. . . Maiden, Mother, Crone.

Once I merged the Holy Trinity within myself, I began to experience life simultaneously from all 3 aspects. I realize they are all interpretations of the same Source, our spark of Existence without beginning without end. Before I could do that, I first needed to become aware of each aspect and the roles they play, free of any judgment. Just simple awareness. Only then could I merge them to live simultaneously, no longer bouncing back and forth between living as the feminine or the masculine, the soul or the human. I wasn’t able to do this by studying or practicing mental concepts. For the mind’s job is to separate, whereas the soul knows no separation. Therefore it is through the perception of the soul that I began to realize the merging of my Holy Trinity as my innate way of being.

How do I know I’m experiencing this way of being?
By those moments of joy or happiness that slip into my day without any particular reason. When I crawl into bed at night with a contented smile on my face in sublime peace. When the rustle of the trees cause my heart to flutter. When that child perched in the cart in line at the grocery store beams me a smile. These are moments of communing with life as my soul, through the physical experience of my human.

This evening as I’m listening to a stream of solo piano music it brings me to tears as I’m communing with the music, totally present in the moment, free of all distractions. Every note moves through my physicality touching my soul, enlivening all of life with this sacred union. I’m feeling so in love, and so loved. Love for my soul, and love from my soul. Love for my I AM and loved by my I AM. I realize how open and allowing I am to receive this Love, how receptive I am to Love, to energy, to the abundance of life.

I am the I AM, the Soul, and the Human. This is the emergence within me as the Holy Trinity, in all its purity. How often we judge our humanness. And yet, it is our humanness that is honored and loved by our soul and our I AM free of any judgment. How blessed I feel to BE in this moment experiencing the sublime joy of my Holy Trinity.

Will this realization remain with me from now on, as if my faerie god mother waved her magic wand? Probably not because my daily life will pull me back into its human concerns. And yet, this realization will never leave me. It’s always available in every moment that I take pause to commune with it. And with practice, I have no doubt this will become my natural way of being.

I leave you with these musings, as I return to listening to my stream of piano music to delight in the pleasure of communing with the sublime joy of my emergence.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
gratitude to the artist: Lilly Judy Merrell

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