A Sovereign being is Self-generating


What is a Sovereign being?
A Sovereign being is a Christed being, whole and complete, knowing all energy is within, with the ability to access this inner source for creation, expression, manifestation and experience.

This is the form in which we first arrived to the planet. But I don’t need to repeat the old stories. Yes, there are many old stories all with the same plot. Man fell from grace into separation. But I find that difficult to believe, because Grace is still ever-present in our lives. We have simply been taught, yes taught, to separate ourselves from it.

Oh we can divert into the stories of victimhood here. Who did what to whom. And repeat the same old, same old. Or….we can rise above it all and reaffirm the Grace that permeates everything. The Grace that opens our eyes to more than who we think we are.

Humanity is in the process of awakening to the totality of who we are as Christed beings. In the past, we’ve done that by leaving our bodies behind here on the planet and transitioning into more expanded realms.

But things have changed here on planet earth. The vibration of Love has enveloped us and lifted humanity to a higher more expanded frequency. One in which we have the opportunity to become Christed beings in physical bodies walking upon this planet as Heaven on Earth. Some call this the New Earth.

There are a group of us who are well aware of this. We’ve been doing our best to clear the old carbon~based templates and embody the new crystalline templates to fully embody our birthright as Christed beings.

Eons ago, the God Source created man in his/her image. Ah yes, we are God beings, whole, complete and Self-generating, just like God. But we were never replications of God, nor are we children of God….WE are God also.

There are those who speak of Oneness. Oh such confusion this word creates for us. Many think we have fallen from grace and need to earn our way back into Oneness. But in reality we are much more than our origins.

The creation of man is a precious Masterpiece meant to expand and experience infinite potentials. Man is a crystal with a multitude of facets. With each mastery we add another unique facet that sparkles in union with the Light. We all originate from the One, but there is no “going back” to that Oneness. We are the many, the infinite expansion of Oneness.

Duality has served us well and now it has drawn to a close as we awaken to a more expanded awareness. Through separation we have been given the opportunity to fine-tune and polish each of our facets. Look how brightly you are shining… all the colors…all the musical vibrations you are emitting. Oh how glorious you have become in the amalgamation of your own personal Oneness!!! And therein lies your Sovereignty.

A Sovereign being is whole and complete, no longer dependent on anything outside themselves for their Well-being. They have their own energy, no longer in need of anything to feed upon, no longer in need of another person to complete themselves. No longer being unconsciously buffeted around by external energies, ascension symptoms disappear. No longer in need of super foods or supplements, eating becomes a joy, a celebration of living rather than the sustenance for the physical body.  A Sovereign being reverses the aging process because there is no  longer any diminishment, only fulfillment as a fully Christed being.

New Earth is Sovereign based. As Christed beings we are no longer participating in victim mentality,  no longer concerned with saving others because we understand that we’re each on our own soul journey. The angels never swooped in to save you. They offered guidance when called upon, but they are not your saviors. They live as Sovereign beings. Use their example to create a new way of being on the planet.

So let’s get down to basics.
How do I become a Self-generating Sovereign being?

Choose Grace rather than duality based living. Duality based living is a finite limited linear system…energy in, energy out. If there’s not enough incoming energy, the body becomes depleted. Living in Grace is the awareness of your own sovereign energy, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent in service to you.

The new crystalline templates are already in place. A simple way to make this shift is to sit quietly in meditation, or go for a walk in nature. See your heart as a crystalline challis. Allow your heart to generate a flow of Grace that eventually fills the challis until it overflows into your whole body bathing all your minute cells. At first it may feel like a trickle, becoming a lazy stream and then flooding into rivers of Grace. The more often you do this, the more quickly your body will shift from utilizing external energy to utilizing your own energy from within.

Eventually you become so exquisitely full of Love and Grace that you think you’ll explode. And you do. That, my Beloveds, is the Big Bang!!! The explosion that originally birthed you into being. And now, as a Sovereign being, you are Self-generating, creating a New Earth and capable of birthing Universes as One with All-That-Is.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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