In Celebration of National Poetry Month

I have tears of gratitude flowing for all that has prepared me/us for this moment. My total commitment to follow my “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”, the hard work it has taken to clear the old matrix, and my follow through to continue writing during times when I just wanted to curl up in a ball and go back to sleep.

So many of the precious words that have flowed through me over the years are now lighting up in neon, saying…. “These are the Passages of Remembrance, and the Blessing of Ease and Grace being called forth during these times of human turmoil. THIS! This is the time for which these words have been written.”

~ In celebration of National Poetry Month ~
I share these words of wisdom during these times of transformation so they can be in service to all of us when in need and to catapult us into exciting new realities.

To learn about my books: visit my website
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice” ebooks and paperbacks are available for purchase @

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Spiritual Maturity

It feels as though the flood gates of intel have opened. Information is streaming in faster than we can assimilate it.

The spiritual community is speaking about what to expect with the new earth, specified dimensions of 3d 5d 7d 12d, blue rays or pink rays, astrological alignments, ancient civilizations, aliens, specific shifts on the horizon, etc, etc.

New technology abounds with AI. New scientific discoveries are being made every day. Although of interest, it can boggle the mind. All of this intel can be useful, but it can also become a distraction as we dive down the rabbit holes into its minutia.

In our spiritual maturity, we reach a point where we are no longer seeking outside ourselves. We realize that we are each on our own unique Soul path. We came in with our own Soul’s wisdom and gifts. Everything we need is within us and it comes to us with divine timing once we are open and in a receptive mode.

But before all is revealed, we need to clear what is no longer ours and what no longer serves us to make space for what is truly ours to emerge from within. If we continue to clutter our minds with insignificant intel and data, we continue further down the rabbit holes of others. Once we’re clear and open, our own Soul’s path will reveal itself to us with the purity of our own wisdom.

Listening to each other’s stories, experiences, and wisdom may stimulate our own inner wisdom. For that we are eternally grateful. But only take what resonates and leave the rest, allowing that spark to expand our own consciousness rather than continuing to be schooled by others.

In our spiritual maturity, we become the master creators within our own creations. We’re not here to live anyone else’s lives. We are here to remember the totality of who we are as our own GodSelves, living together in community with each other.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider purchasing one of my books or sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free of ads for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

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Magic of Stillness

Over these past few days, weeks, and months, I have been feeling a strong need to re-invent myself. And yet, I have no idea what that looks like. I have removed things from my home space because they no longer resonate with me. I have deleted numerous projects that feels like they have died mid-process. I stare into my closet wondering who all these clothes belong to. They don’t feel like anything I would wear anymore.

I’m feeling the dissolution of everything, even those things that have felt dear to me in the past. As per Sandra Walter, “This isn’t a reshuffling of the old deck into something new; this is dismantling the old creation (3d/4d), and the acceleration is evident.” On some days I feel unstable and uncomfortable in my skin. Other days, I feel the stirrings of something new and exciting within me.

Who Am I?
Many have said the biggest question we came here to answer is: “Who Am I?” Eons ago, we purposely separated from our True Self in order for the I AM to experience itself through us, as aspects of itself. But we have been living in separation for so long that we have forgotten who we are.

As the cosmic cycle is on the upswing from descension to ascension, THIS is the lifetime for us to go beyond our amnesia. We are in the process of gathering all our aspects and experiences from all lifetimes to allow our Soul to distill them into our own Divine Wisdom, free of the karma and drama, to remember the totality of who we are as the I AM.

We cannot do this while participating in the chaos of the old world as our mind, emotions, body, and even spiritual beliefs are transforming into something new and unknown.

Thus, I’ve withdrawn into my inner stillness, allowing Divine Light to flow through me exposing all that needs to be seen and experienced. I sit in the silence, fully open, as everything unravels, allowing every shadow and every emotion that I’ve been afraid to feel, to surface of its own accord via my Soul’s directives. There is nothing more I need do right now other than take good care of my body as it moves through these transformations to emerge as a new Being of Light. Trusting is innate, because just as the butterfly’s transformation is so adept, we were born with this divine program.

During my dreamtime:
I was traveling to a foreign country. When I arrived at the midpoint, I needed to transfer to a different airport but there were no trains, busses or taxis. When I asked a waitress about transportation, she directed me to a friend of hers who charged me $15 to drive me to the other airport. He collected all my luggage then drove me to his home to pick up his family along the way. I had no concerns about the detour because I had plenty of time before my next flight. When we arrived at the new airport, he handed me the luggage. I was surprised how much luggage there was: a big suitcase and two brief cases that I did not recall. But it was all so light I realized it was empty and I didn’t need it anymore so I left it with the nice man who transported me.

In the morning I thought. . . . indeed, I have traveled to a new reality, free of my past with no need of the old baggage. I now get to be whomever I choose to be. At the moment I don’t know what that looks like. And that’s okay, because I know it’s beyond the current capacity of my human mind. I am simply resting in the stillness, trusting my True Self to emerge with divine timing.

In addition, my physical body needs nurturing and self care, as it is also experiencing this metamorphosis into its LightBody. Relaxing with music, long baths, allowing my body’s innate sleep patterns (crazy as they may seem at times), walks in nature, gentle movements of yoga or fascia release, and eating nutritionally.

Most importantly, I am resting in periods of silence and stillness, in the zero point, which is where the Magic happens.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

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Gratitude to the unknown artist

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Birthing a New Collective Consciousness

Eons ago, a group of angels came together with their desire to create anew. This was originally done our collective consciousness. In order to do this, we had to slow down energy and increase gravity to bring it into manifestation. Because all energy naturally seeks resolution, a cycle was created for energy to slow down enough so that we could physically and sensually participate in the process. At the prescribed point of vibration, the cycle would reverse and return to its pure state once again after having gleaned all the wisdom of creating anew.

Unfortunately, free will resulted in manipulation, control, and power games amidst some humans. Thus, much of the planet is is a sad state right now. The good news is that the cycle that slowed down energy to manifest in physicality is in the process of reversing itself.

More light is pouring onto the planet to expand humanity’s awareness. Gravity is loosening up to allow more space for change. There is no turning back. This is happening! However, just as it has taken the planet eons of time to descend to this place, it will take a very long time to ascend to its pure state once again.

As excited as I am that we are in the process of ascension, I occasionally become disheartened with compassion for the humans that are suffering. I often wonder what we can do to assist. I took that question into my dreamtime, as I often do, and here is what I experienced:

In my dreamtime, I saw the earth drifting away from me. It looked dark and desecrated. I thought that was an interesting word that came to me. . . desecrated, as in no longer sacred. At first, I thought “I” was moving away from it, but I realized “it” was moving away from me until I was no longer able to perceive it. I felt confused and emotionally bereft.

But once I awakened in the morning, there was a vibrant turquoise energy swirling around me and I had a sense of rejuvenation and regeneration. Amidst my confusion, I called upon my Soul’s Wisdom for clarity. This was the response:

“What you experienced was the energy of the old earth moving out of your energy field. You have always thought of the earth as a physical entity. But, it is actually nothing more than a collective consciousness. Take a moment to allow that to sync in before we go farther. . . . Therefore, what you experienced moving away from you was the collective consciousness of the old earth which will continue as long as that group of humans choose to endure it, at which point it will simply dissolve of its own accord. There is no prediction per how long that will take and it matters not for it is no longer part of your reality. Indeed, it still exists, but you have made a conscious choice to no longer participate with it and therefore it no longer exists within your reality. It is much like a former life that has been distilled into wisdom and the story itself dissolved.

The turquoise light you are experiencing is the birthing of a new collective consciousness. Things do not feel as real to you because they are not held together with as much gravity as the old earth. So it will take a bit of adjustment and realignment for your human self. This is why you have felt inclined to push the pause button, to disengage from life as you’ve known it while everything is aligning in new ways. You can not engage in the new until you have fully disengaged from the old for they are different realities. Allow your human self the time it needs to adapt without attempting to increase your understanding for this is beyond the capacity of the human mind.

You are the Master Creator within your own creation. Know that this is cutting edge creation for humanity and it has never been done like this before. Simply allow it to evolve of its own accord with its own divine timing as you, through you.

At this stage, you are much like a newborn infant orienting to a new reality here on earth. However, as a child, you had been here before and it was simply a matter of adjusting. This time you are creating anew, learning how to live and create in a whole new way without mimicking your parents, society, or anyone else. This time you are creating for the pure JOY of creation rather than attempting to create from within something that already exists.”

What delightful clarity!
Indeed, there is another way! We cannot create anew from within the chaos of the old world order. Instead, we need to remove ourselves from it to birth a new collective consciousness, which many are referring to as the New Earth.

We need to decamp from the lives we’ve become accustomed to living in order to create anew. Most humans are not willing to sail off into the wild blue yonder without seeing their next horizon. It takes a few courageous explorers to cast off and head out into the unknown, leaving the world they have always known behind.

Once we set sail and the old shorelines disappear, our hearty group of sailors can begin the process of birthing a new collective consciousness. For awhile, this may feel like a parallel reality, until there are enough of us to bring it into view for those who are awakening from the hypnosis of the old mass consciousness.

Ahoy fellow sailors!
WE are that original group of angels that created the present earth. And we have returned to do it once again, taking everything we love and the wisdom garnered from our prior experiences here on earth to create anew.

Every smile and every act of kindness raises the vibration of the collective. Every supportive word enlivens our new creations. Every time you “like” or “comment” or “share” a social media post, it expands the collective consciousness. And shining your Light brings awareness to those who have been sleep walking through old illusions. You may not always see immediate results, but every positive action and every supportive word strengthens our new reality to make the world a much better place for everyone.

THIS is how powerful you are!!
Together, WE are birthing a new collective consciousness as New Earth.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

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Bypassing the Mind

It’s the last week of the year when many cultures and corporations are on holiday. The frenetic energy of all the preparations to celebrate has passed. We’re floating in timelessness without any idea of what day it is, able to lounge in bed a bit longer without anything driving us to get on with our day. We get to relax into the softness of our slippers.

For those who are accustomed to the typical fast pace of life, this period of slowing down feels foreign and challenging. The mind is eternally grasping for something to “do”. Meanwhile, the body is exhaling a long awaited out-breath to settle into an essential time of rejuvenation prior to beginning a new year.

Several times I considered initiating one of my projects thinking this would be a good time to move forward. But my motivation was waining. Instead, I fixed a cup of tea and picked up a book to read. But moments later I set it aside because my mind wasn’t able to concentrate on the words.

I finally sat down with my journal which is where I ask my most pressing questions. Today’s question was: “What is the best thing I can be doing in this moment?”

The answer was very clear:
“Nothing! You have been given the gift of disengaging from the daily chatter of your mind. This quiet time is an opportunity for you to bypass the mind’s constant directives and flow with the innate Wisdom of your Soul. The longer you maintain this time of stillness, the more easily you can hear the whispers of your Soul, until they become the mainstay of your life. Rather than the antiquated directives of the mind which have become the driving force of a life cluttered with edicts that are no longer in service to you. No longer in service to the new YOU that you are becoming.”

So I’ve settled into one of my favorite pastimes, forest gazing. With a pot of tea at hand, I relax in my rocking chair facing my french doors and softly gaze out into the forest. At first my mind wanders here, there, and everywhere. But the longer I relax, the more quiet it becomes.

I sync into the gentle motion that’s happening beyond the mind, much like the motion of the forest. The reflection of the sun is dancing through the trees that are swaying in the breeze, as a soft mist weaves its way hither and thither, without the directive of a mind. Simply responding to the flow of the moment.

Herein is the gift of this final week of the year, if you choose to accept it:

Push the pause button, allowing your body and mind to relax into bypassing the mind. This creates an opening for the passion and wisdom of your Soul to filter into your life, fostering a new way of being in flow with All-That-Is, while birthing a New You.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

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Sacred Union of Dark and Light

In these precious moments of pre-dawn, as the sun lingers below the horizon and light begins to saturate the darkness, I am reminded of the abundance of Light that is flooding the planet at this time. Spirituality speaks of this time as the Golden Age.

The Light is where most spiritual people’s attention is focused right now. Indeed, much of the planet is embroiled in the chaos of transformation, and it needs our Light. But it’s important to remember that we are both dark and light. Unfortunately, the extremes of duality have distorted our perception with the separation of the two.

But please do not confuse darkness with evil. It is not the darkness we fear, but the unknown. Human eyes can not “see” what is in the darkness and we have been taught to fear the unknown. As a child, when our parents turned on the lights during a nightmare, our fear quickly dissolved once we were able to see and become conscious that we are safe. Perhaps our fear of the darkness can be resolved with the simple realization of being conscious vs. unconscious.

The more conscious we become, the more we embody our soul’s wisdom which doesn’t harbor the judgement of duality. Therefore, we have the opportunity to experience life with a more expanded perception, beyond the fear and limitations of light vs. dark.

As we continue to shine our light, I invite you to find the gifts within the darkness. For this is where new potentials await our realization. A seed can not sprout unless it spends time beneath the surface in the organic darkness of the soil. Just as the seed, we are all birthed from within the darkness of the womb that nurtured us during our transformation into these physical bodies.

It is here within the darkness, within the silence, within the stillness that we find our true peace. This is our safe space. And without this peace of mind, our light becomes dimmed.

Can you allow the darkness to consciously nurture and support you during these tumultuous times, without judgement or fear, as we are all being re-born during these epic times of transformation. It is vital to bring Love to all the places within us that we have admonished to the darkness to become whole and integrated as unified sovereign beings. Only then can we shine the purity of our Light.

I invite you to embrace the dark as well as the light, as they are actually in sacred union. This is a time of “Redefining Darkness” as my prior article addresses. The essence of divine creation is found within both the dark and the light. It is through this Sacred Union that we are able to shine the fullness of our true Light as we enter this Golden Age.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

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You have done Nothing Wrong

This planet was originally created for the sole purpose of experiencing life in a material and palpable way. How brilliant of us as creator beings to realize that by slowing down our vibration, energy comes into focus to become more concrete and substantial, without which there would be no physical creation. We’d still be floating in the ether with nothing tangible to experience.

What we did not realize, until we had immersed ourselves in physicality, is that as the vibration continued to slow down, we’d become captivated in a matrix of recycling lifetimes. Until the cycle completes itself and begins its ascension process by increasing its vibration to return to balance, which is what we are now in the process of experiencing.

What we have forgotten is that life on this planet is all about experience!
It is via our corporal physical bodies that we have the ability to more fully experience life, with the sacred gifts of sensory perception.

We are born into this world as babes, pure of heart, having done nothing wrong.
So, where did the idea of original sin come from?
Where is the sin in being born on an experiential planet?
When did we become entangled in judging our experiences as good vs bad, rather than honoring the experience itself as the ability to expand our divine wisdom?

That is a story unto itself, entangled in the grips of control and manipulation that began eons ago and increasingly perpetrated by world religions. Once in place it has become a matrix of the mind that can only be freed by the purity of our hearts.

As the vibration of this planet is once again increasing, we are in the process of ascension, personally and collectively. The light within us is exposing the fallacy of the web of original sin. As a result, that which many refer to as karma is being released because all energy seeks resolution.

With the release of eons worth of old karma, the light shines upon what’s been hidden in the shadows. And it ain’t pretty!!! Otherwise we’d be living it joyfully out in the light, rather than having built walls of guilt and shame around it.

It’s time to realize: “YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG”.
Everything you’ve done has been for the experience of it. But once it’s gotten caught in the matrix of sin, each experience thereafter becomes a reflex or reaction based on your judgement of a prior experience and continues to spiral downwards into the dungeons where no one wants to visit.

But as we ascend, the Light of You as the original Creator Being is shining into those dank dungeons to release what you perceived as demons. Demons who are calling out for your Love, they’re not calling out for your judgment. Every experience has a seed of Divine Wisdom at it’s core and we have the opportunity to harvest that Wisdom once we stop demonizing ourselves.

You, as the Creator Being, are remembering the truth of Who You Are. You have done nothing wrong. It’s time to forgive yourself for all your perceived transgressions and live in the full awareness of Who You Are. You have chosen to be here for the embodiment of experience with all its joys and human foibles on a magnificent planet that has infinite sensual experiences to offer.

You, as a Creator Being, are here to expand your divine wisdom and appreciation of life beyond what any angelic beings throughout the omniverse could possibly experience. And what a Blessing that is!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

For more from Sharon visit

Gratitude for the artwork by Svetlana Evsyutina

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Introducing: “Emergence of the Dream”

I am bubbling over with great excitement as I launch my current book “Emergence of the Dream, Wisdom of the Inner Voice Vol VII”. The release of this book is very timely as it’s sacred words invite us to Awaken from the hypnosis of forgetfulness to remember the totality of Who We Are as we open to the infinite potentials of our sacred dream of Heaven on Earth that we seeded eons ago.

How many incarnations we have had accumulating all the wisdom of many lifetimes! Yet, each time we incarnate, we enter the realm of forgetfulness with the illusion that this is a brand new lifetime for the human, thinking each lifetime is a learning experience, each lifetime a struggle of survival.

Until THIS lifetime, the lifetime in which we have chosen to Awaken from the hypnosis of forgetfulness to remember the totality of Who We Are as glorious universal beings emerging as multidimensional humans ushering in an era of creative expression beyond our human imagination for this planet and all of humanity.

An ancient dream
is emanating from within us
awakening humanity
from our hypnosis
singing us
into a new existence
with our Soul
as a new way of being
in resonance and fluidity
with our Divinity.

The “Emergence of the Dream” invites us to surrender our antiquated ways of living and open to the infinite potentials of our sacred dream of heaven on earth that we seeded eons ago to emerge and blossom as a new reality for all of humanity.

“Emergence of the Dream” Volume VII of “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
is available in paperback and ebook HERE

I would greatly appreciate you taking the time to write a brief review of this book once you’ve read it. It is through reviews like yours that books move up in the reader rankings to reach a wider audience for these words to be heard by the many!!

Many Blessings,
Sharon Lyn Shepard

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Anti-gravity, the New Energy

Our current world is in chaos! Old structures are breaking down. As humanity is evolving, our antiquated systems are no longer in service to “we the people”. That includes, political, economic, religion, education, health care, etc. Technology, robotics, and AI are seeping into every aspect of our lives.

Despite what appears to be an approaching cataclysm for humanity, there are those of us who are feeling something New and exciting afoot behind the scenes!

These are the words I awoke to this morning at 4am from the Wisdom of my Inner Voice:

“The October eclipse energies are going to be very unstable. Thus, it’s important for you to remain stable in your own Presence. We use the word “Presence” vs center, although they are much the same, to emphasize being in the now moment free of the past or the future. And free of the gravity of the collective consciousness.

“As consciousness expands, gravity decreases, and anti-gravity increases. Otherwise matter would compress to the point of imploding upon itself. With the increase of anti-gravity (which is neutral energy free of time/space) everything loosens and lightens up, including your thoughts, beliefs, and habits. Although this may feel unstable to the human, it is in divine alignment with your Soul.

“The stability you seek is the Presence with your Soul. THIS is your Safe Space amidst all the instability that surrounds you. As a Sovereign being, you realize ALL energy, including anti-gravity, is in service to you. By remaining open, allowing it to flow into your life and consciously receiving it, new avenues of Well-Being will open for you in all areas of your life.”

New Energy ~
Many of us have been feeling a new lighter energy seeping into our lives amidst all the chaos of releasing what is no longer working for us, personally and collectively. And yet, we’ve not been able to identify what it is.

This New Energy is anti-gravity!
It is totally in service to us in ways we’ve yet to discover. How exciting is that!

No wonder we are feeling the need to withdraw from life as we’ve known it and fully re-acclimate to how we navigate life because this energy feels very different to our human self who has been living in stagnant gravity for eons of time. As gravity slowly releases, all we need do is relax and allow what no longer serves us to simply dissolve of its own accord because this new energy no longer supports it.

As we expand our consciousness within our true Presence, our Soul desires surface with a new awareness of life in ways humanity has never experienced before. THIS is why we have chosen to incarnate at this epic time. Despite how chaotic the world appears during this major transformation, THIS is a time of true Celebration!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

Gratitude for the Artwork by James Alan Smith

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

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The Importance of Feelings

There is so much talk in the spiritual community right now about acknowledging our feelings and emotions. Digging deep and pursuing their healing in order to live a happy more fruitful life.

Indeed, acknowledging our feelings/emotions is very important. Of equal import is allowing them to come up (rise) on their own with divine timing to be released without any need to interact with them.

Do these emotions need healing?
Or are we simply releasing antiquated stuck energies that have held the Remembrance of Who We Are at bay?

Our feelings and emotional wounds are rising to the surface because we are collectively rising to a new reality. As we remember the truth of Who We Are we realize the healing of these antiquated emotional shields are no longer necessary. They have done their job and are no longer in service to us.

There are times we may feel the need to reach out for assistance in dealing with the overwhelm of some of our deep emotions. Most often, I have found that going inward into my own Sacred Sanctuary allows the ease of Grace to dissolve these emotions on their own without the need to engage.

Energy moves in spirals which means the same emotion may circle back around some time later. This time from a more expanded consciousness until all the layers have been released. When this happens, know that you are not doing anything wrong. You are evolving and your emotions are clearing at the level of which you are ready with divine timing.

It feels equally important to relax and live in our happy place without becoming entangled in the emotional process. I’m not talking about putting our head in the sand, or pretending they don’t exist. But becoming embroiled in the process places a strain on our physical bodies due to the stress of the perceived need to heal, which takes its toll emotionally and physically. And that serves no one.

Layer by layer we are releasing who we used to be as we remember the truth of Who We Are. Therein, lies our Peace and Joy.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

For more from Sharon visit

Gratitude for the artwork “Breath of Light” By Christina DeHoff

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